The GTA02 Charger Issue: Detailed Waveforms

Below is a sequence of VB_SYS drops, taken from a GTA02v5 with a 10uF bypass. The upper half of the display shows the entire sequence, while the lower half magnifies each of the drops.



As we can see, there are long and there are short drops. Here is a short drop in more detail:


Note that the timebase is set to 50us/div in the left screenshot and 20us/div in the right one.

And here is a long drop:


Note: this is to illustrate that there are various different responses to VB_SYS dropping. If the bypass of VB_SYS is increased, the bounces disappear and the recovery time remains relatively stable, apparently arbitrarily settling for long or short.

Fri Jul 11 09:23:30 UTC 2008